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New Mexico

Gila Wilderness

Gila Wilderness

 Gila Wilderness
Emory Pass looking east

Gila Cliff Dwellings

 Gila Cliff Dwellings

Gila Cliff Dwellings

 Inspiration for my quilts comes from Nature. The landscape and colors of the Southwest have deeply influenced me. The New Mexico landscape with its sun-infused earth tones is a constant source of inspiration. Its ancient mountains, vast mesas, and deep blue sky have found their way into my work. Pictured here is the Gila Wilderness in the SW region.

View photos from: Carlsbad Caverns / White Sands National Monument / Valley of Fire (Lava)

Bandelier National Monument / City of the Sun / City of Rocks State Park

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument / Whitewater Canyon Catwalk


I have also spent time in Arizona hiking in the desert. The sagauro cactus stand like sentries beneath the craggy mountains. Pictured here is the Superstition Mt.

View photos from: Chiricahua National Monument

Arizona Superstition Mountain

Apache Lake, one of the reservoir lakes on the Salt River, is northeast of Phoenix.

Gaint Saguaro

Apache Lake

Apache Lake

North Shore of Lake Superior

The North Shore of Lake Superior in NE Minnesota contains a vastness of space to match that of the West. The area has some of the oldest mountain ranges known on earth, now worn down to bedrock. Click here for more photos.

Lake Superior Lake Superior

 I am fascinated by repeated patterns and colors occurring throughout Nature.